About Us

About Us

Who We Are

We are independent care provider. Our aim is to provide quality person centered care that is flexible and according to your needs, enabling you to remain as independent as possible.

We provide assistance to people allowing them to remain living at home. Clients are given the extra help they need in maintaining their everyday life.

Why Choose Us

Our Care Workers Team

At IFTIIN CARE LTD we have trained staff who meet service users, prior to commencing service, to agree the care needs requirements of service users and assess each individual before service is offered including aspect such as when the service will begin and the times, frequency and duration care to be provided.

The carers that IFTIIN CARE LTD employs are trained in accordance with Skills for Care Common induction as well as bespoke training tailored to meet the specific needs of their client group. Furthermore, they are supervised and supported to provide a quality service to a wide range of people who need care and support whilst living in their own homes, ensuring each carer undergoes continuous training that ensures that we deliver the highest quality services to you. Training includes Health & Safety, Food Hygiene, Moving and Handling, Basic Life Support, Safeguarding of vulnerable Adults, Infection Control, etc.

We Care
We care about, respect and protect our clients and customers
We care about, respect and support each other
We care and look after our clients
We Strive
We strive for excellence in our service delivery
We strive to continuously improve our services
We strive tirelessly to achieve best outcome for customers
We Listen
We listen to our clients
We listen to our commissioners
We listen to our regulators
We Build
We build excellent relationships
We build our reputation and image
We build respect and trust

Our Carers love what they do, and that's what makes them so special.

We are passionate about providing a high quality Care to all of our clients and providing exceptional care excellence is our priority. We will always aspire to ensure our service users maintain as much independence as possible.